I paid $5 for the game in December 2022, and now you're asking me to pay another $10. So for previous purchasers/supporters, we pay $15, and for those buying for the first time, today, it's $10! Way to treat supporters!
When season 2 comes out im dropping 50 dollars on this the was 100 percent worth playing . Not even a million dollar show never made me laugh this hard, worth every effort and l love the pacing.
On here you get the updates to a season once they are ready and on steam you get the full season once its completed. At least thats what I would guess since I only have the version on itch and the steam version is region blocked for me I cant confirm it.
Sorry, do you mean that those who bought Season 1 before Season 2 is released are getting it too or …?
I’m not saying that it SHOULD be free for us, I just want to understand how it works because Itch pricing got me confused.
The download link is saying this game is free, so will everything update for free in the end? if not how much do I actually have to pay if I from what I saw, want both seasons? 1 +2?
If you want access to both seasons you have to pay 10$ (idk if it changes with country) once just like the message "if you pay $10 USD or more" under the file versions points out. He also said that there will not be any free updates anymore. The only free part is the "demo" version 0.4 ;)
Is there a difference in season2 0.8 and season1 0.7? in season1 there was a siege scene during the seggs with Aria, but in season 2 there wasn't only starts a scene seggx with Aria, season2 can also start the game from the beginning, confused about whether to play from season1 or jump straight into playing season2 from the start of the game?
He said that season 1 and season 2 are 2 different games that share the saves folder, also season 1 is about twice as big when it comes to folder size so I would assume that you should start with season 1, make a save at the end and then go into season 2 just to be sure you dont miss anything
Wow this is not a game I say this is art a marvelous art you design..the story the humor the dialogue everything is great 👍.. I have a question ❓ is by any chance the free week is coming soon or not?
The free weekend was just before the game turned from free into payed. That event was most likely just to have a cleaner transitional phase and there for I wouldnt bet on it coming back any time soon or ever.
during sex scenes and just ordinary scenes, hang ups begin to appear. It feels like the game is running at 15 fps. There are no crashes, the game itself works stably, but with any videos, lags begin. I tried changing the rendering in shift + g, there is no result. Does the computer just not master this game? System requirements are met.
* regarding season 2, I can see that season 2 PC (0.8) can be downloaded from this website for atleast $10, does this include the whole season 2, even future updates?
I highly doubt that he would make the first updates of season 2 be included but for the rest you would have to pay extra. For season 3 you might have to pay extra once season 2 is done but having to pay extra just to get the end of season 2 sounds unlikely. :3
I bought season 2 today. Is it not finish yet? Because i just finish it in about 30 minute with only 1 sex scene plus the extra one. I'm new here so i don't know how it works. Can anybody explain that to me?
В конце 1 сезона, если не ошибаюсь, нужно будет улететь Эш спасать, там будет чёрный экран с надписью "Save your game now", сохраняешь и запускаешь уже на 2 части игры, а там загружаешь это сохранение с текстом на чёрном экране Ну это на ПК версии, а если у тебя Android, то есть интересный способ запустить сохранение с 1 сезона Если у тебя Apple/Linux, то я не знаю тогда...
Wait, you left After the Inferno on a cliffhanger then you started a new unrelated project? What about the sequel to After the Inferno after you teased us with such a cliffhanger?
I understand correctly that season 2 is already ready, but only here. If yes, then the question now is when will it appear on Steam? Or is buying season 2 like an advance payment?
Season 2 is in development so if steam doesnt get the updates itch does it prob means that the steam version gets updated once season 2 is finished and season 3 starts. If the steam version costs as much as the version on itch (10$) season 2 will prob be included in the steam game aswell without having to pay extra.
I had no problem at all so its prob something you did wrong or any programm on ur pc that fked up the game. You should look into the crash report and try to figure it out that way or just start a new save all together.
Is it just me or is the animation for the roof scene (season 2) rather jerky. When compared with the scene with her in the bandonded spaceship, that spaceship one seems much smoother!
spaceship= bouncing breasts, body moves a little bit
bro, I downloaded it without expecting much, and man I laughed nonstop until my stomach hurt and I loved this game, easily one of my favorites and I don't like spending money because things are expensive in my country, especially when it comes to conversion but I will definitely pay for this
As far as I can tell, because I had the same question, season # means nothing as of yet. Near/after season 2 is complete they'll be packaged and sold separately.
First adult type game I've played. Honestly not bad. I like the story. If I ever have some spare money I will try and get the seasons so I can finish the story, but for a 3D render done with Ren Py, not bad at all.
Not usually a fan of 3D renders, but these are done amazingly well. Big fan of space themed sci-fi, so I was immersed in the storyline immediately. Really liked being able to be my sarcastic ass self with the dialog options. Figured this game is worth at least double the price, so that's what I gave ya.
From what I know, SteamOS are based on Arch (Arch Linux, so based on Linux), so theoretically there is no reason for the Linux version to be not playable on it (just the QTE be will a hard time and you will want to disable it).
That said, you can always try the 0.4 (that is free) and see how it goes.
Hi! After following you, I've had a whole bunch of your ratings in my feed - and all of them 5 stars? Now, some of the games are great, but some are nowhere near deserving that rating, with objective issues in tech, animation, level design, and writing. You made this, so you should know the difference.
I get that there's this weird rating exchange thing going on between AVN creators on itch, but I think you could be more selective - or more accurate. Rating a mediocre or poor game with full 5 stars only serves to dilute the value of those ratings, and 4 stars is still a good rating that will set slightly more appropriate expectations.
It’s not cool to make us attached to someone up from the first scene… thankfully you fixed it latter in the game because without that I would not been able to envisioned someone else.
This part aside, very good game, really funny, I love the humor you’ve put in and the characters are lovely (MC include).
So I was curious; if I buy the season 1 apk do I then have to pay for season 2?? No judgement, just genuinely curious, financially speaking!! Huge, HUGE fan!! I find both your games to be equally funny and erotic!! As far as comedic devs go, you are, in my opinion, in the top 3 if not #1!! Devs in general, easily top 5!! Sorry, they storytelling of the top 3 is unbeatable!! No offense intended!!😁
I just came across this game and absolutely enjoyed it! The story is funny and really engaging. This is triple A level good. Keep up the fantastic work!
← Return to game
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is season 2 available on steam?
No, not until it's finished
alright, thanks for letting me know, FYI the first season is amazing, thank you so much for making such a great game
Hi, you can also do it in 2 parts so that we can choose the size of the text ourselves, otherwise it's too small I play with the phone
I paid $5 for the game in December 2022, and now you're asking me to pay another $10. So for previous purchasers/supporters, we pay $15, and for those buying for the first time, today, it's $10! Way to treat supporters!
Contact Itch about it, I don't control how it works
Only a single dev gave me a steam key in a situation like this, every other dev ripped me off. And this has nothing to do with Itch and you know it!
If I buy season 2, does that come with all the content before that as well?
Both Season 1 and Season 2 is included for $10 for now
When season 2 comes out im dropping 50 dollars on this the was 100 percent worth playing . Not even a million dollar show never made me laugh this hard, worth every effort and l love the pacing.
Is there a chance of a sale coming on itch.io this year for your amazing game ? :)
Seems this game is not included in christmas sale :(
Is there any differences in how exactly seasons are distributed after purchase here and on Steam?
It looks like I’ll get both seasons if I buy here, but I bought season 1 in Steam and I’m not sure if I get second season.
On here you get the updates to a season once they are ready and on steam you get the full season once its completed. At least thats what I would guess since I only have the version on itch and the steam version is region blocked for me I cant confirm it.
I mean it’s called “season 1” on Steam. I’m not too optimistic that I’ll get Season 2 automatically.
You'll get access to Season 2 updates if you buy Season 1. However when Season 2 is finished and put on Steam, I will put a separate price on it
Sorry, do you mean that those who bought Season 1 before Season 2 is released are getting it too or …? I’m not saying that it SHOULD be free for us, I just want to understand how it works because Itch pricing got me confused.
Yes if you bought Season 1 you'll get the Season 2 updates as well. This is only until Season 2 is finished, then it will get its own price
The download link is saying this game is free, so will everything update for free in the end? if not how much do I actually have to pay if I from what I saw, want both seasons? 1 +2?
If you want access to both seasons you have to pay 10$ (idk if it changes with country) once just like the message "if you pay $10 USD or more" under the file versions points out. He also said that there will not be any free updates anymore. The only free part is the "demo" version 0.4 ;)
Is there a difference in season2 0.8 and season1 0.7? in season1 there was a siege scene during the seggs with Aria, but in season 2 there wasn't only starts a scene seggx with Aria, season2 can also start the game from the beginning, confused about whether to play from season1 or jump straight into playing season2 from the start of the game?
He said that season 1 and season 2 are 2 different games that share the saves folder, also season 1 is about twice as big when it comes to folder size so I would assume that you should start with season 1, make a save at the end and then go into season 2 just to be sure you dont miss anything
Wow this is not a game I say this is art a marvelous art you design..the story the humor the dialogue everything is great 👍.. I have a question ❓ is by any chance the free week is coming soon or not?
The free weekend was just before the game turned from free into payed. That event was most likely just to have a cleaner transitional phase and there for I wouldnt bet on it coming back any time soon or ever.
Is it a one time purchace or would i have to purchase each season?
right now you have to pay once to play both seasons. That might change tho if the game gets a 3rd season.
during sex scenes and just ordinary scenes, hang ups begin to appear. It feels like the game is running at 15 fps. There are no crashes, the game itself works stably, but with any videos, lags begin. I tried changing the rendering in shift + g, there is no result. Does the computer just not master this game? System requirements are met.
Love the game, 10/10
Correct me if I am wrong:
* regarding season 2, I can see that season 2 PC (0.8) can be downloaded from this website for atleast $10, does this include the whole season 2, even future updates?
I highly doubt that he would make the first updates of season 2 be included but for the rest you would have to pay extra. For season 3 you might have to pay extra once season 2 is done but having to pay extra just to get the end of season 2 sounds unlikely. :3
Just finished season 1 on Steam. Great story! I was hooked until the end. Cant wait to see Season 2.
I bought season 2 today. Is it not finish yet? Because i just finish it in about 30 minute with only 1 sex scene plus the extra one. I'm new here so i don't know how it works. Can anybody explain that to me?
Season 2 is in development. He just got back from Japan, but he's working on it!
Best game ever love the voice acting in cutscenes keep up the amazing work
Привет скажите пожалуйста как перенести сохранения с 1части во 2 часть игры и ещё в каком моменте в первой части надо сохраниться???
В конце 1 сезона, если не ошибаюсь, нужно будет улететь Эш спасать, там будет чёрный экран с надписью "Save your game now", сохраняешь и запускаешь уже на 2 части игры, а там загружаешь это сохранение с текстом на чёрном экране
Ну это на ПК версии, а если у тебя Android, то есть интересный способ запустить сохранение с 1 сезона
Если у тебя Apple/Linux, то я не знаю тогда...
привет у меня андроид можешь прислать мне видео как все правильно сделать ?
Wait, you left After the Inferno on a cliffhanger then you started a new unrelated project? What about the sequel to After the Inferno after you teased us with such a cliffhanger?
I understand correctly that season 2 is already ready, but only here. If yes, then the question now is when will it appear on Steam? Or is buying season 2 like an advance payment?
Season 2 is in development so if steam doesnt get the updates itch does it prob means that the steam version gets updated once season 2 is finished and season 3 starts. If the steam version costs as much as the version on itch (10$) season 2 will prob be included in the steam game aswell without having to pay extra.
I played it in Febuary and it had more content than it has now. Why the hell is that? When I try to load the old saves the game crashes.
I had no problem at all so its prob something you did wrong or any programm on ur pc that fked up the game. You should look into the crash report and try to figure it out that way or just start a new save all together.
Just purchased season 1 yesterday. First game iv even thought about paying for. Well made buddy. Cant wait to finish to get season 2.
Is it just me or is the animation for the roof scene (season 2) rather jerky.
When compared with the scene with her in the bandonded spaceship, that spaceship one seems much smoother!
spaceship= bouncing breasts, body moves a little bit
roof= whole body moving with no bouncing breasts
Her boobs bounce a lot on the roof
I really like this so far, but wanted to post a problem I have specific to Windows versions: No sound, whatsoever.
When I try the appropriate version on my Linux machine, running the shell script, it's glorious.
so first Off I absolutely loved the first season. Question: Is season 2 gonna be coming to steam or is it staying on itch?
It's coming to Steam too
hey, I play on renpy viewer and I’m stuck at the part where you and Emily fire in sync and I’m unable to press the W key.
does anyone know how long am i supposed to bake an apple pie for
Have we been told Sandra's Model number?
I can't remember, and unfortunately there is no specific character info in the codex :(
season2 (0.8) have problems in Android.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/08.rpy", line 4516, in <module>
NameError: name 'emilyScene2' is not defined
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "08.rpyc", line 4512, in script
File "renpy/ast.py", line 2133, in execute
File "renpy/python.py", line 1153, in py_eval
File "renpy/python.py", line 1146, in py_eval_bytecode
File "game/08.rpy", line 4516, in <module>
NameError: name 'emilyScene2' is not defined
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/bonus.rpy", line 1208, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'NoneType' and 'int'
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "08.rpyc", line 6089, in script call
File "bonus.rpyc", line 1208, in script
File "renpy/ast.py", line 1138, in execute
File "renpy/python.py", line 1122, in py_exec_bytecode
File "game/bonus.rpy", line 1208, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'NoneType' and 'int'
bro, I downloaded it without expecting much, and man I laughed nonstop until my stomach hurt and I loved this game, easily one of my favorites and I don't like spending money because things are expensive in my country, especially when it comes to conversion but I will definitely pay for this
Does anyone know how to unlock the second sex scene in season 2 by any chance? (not the rooftop one)
Just keep clicking after the credits, it's the bonus scene
Thank you!
im gonna buy the season, but i need to know if i need to buy the first and second season separate or not
You're better off subbing to the patreon and getting it that way. Since itch makes you pay seperately for updates.
As far as I can tell, because I had the same question, season # means nothing as of yet. Near/after season 2 is complete they'll be packaged and sold separately.
For now you get both Season 1 and any Season 2 updates for $10, however when Season 2 is finished I will put a separate price on it
If you pay $10 you get access to both season 1 and 2.
You will have to download them separately. Season 1 saves can't be opened in Season 2. However the $10 will get you everything.
Grrrr I am upset with you and your treatment of sentient artificial life!!!!!!!
When's the update coming to Steam??? Cause I don't want to lose my progress by downloading from here.
First adult type game I've played. Honestly not bad. I like the story. If I ever have some spare money I will try and get the seasons so I can finish the story, but for a 3D render done with Ren Py, not bad at all.
Not usually a fan of 3D renders, but these are done amazingly well. Big fan of space themed sci-fi, so I was immersed in the storyline immediately. Really liked being able to be my sarcastic ass self with the dialog options. Figured this game is worth at least double the price, so that's what I gave ya.
Great game. Cheers.
Hello! I am interested in buying both seasons. Are the Linux versions playable on my Steam Deck?
From what I know, SteamOS are based on Arch (Arch Linux, so based on Linux), so theoretically there is no reason for the Linux version to be not playable on it (just the QTE be will a hard time and you will want to disable it).
That said, you can always try the 0.4 (that is free) and see how it goes.
I still try that. Thank you!
Hi! After following you, I've had a whole bunch of your ratings in my feed - and all of them 5 stars? Now, some of the games are great, but some are nowhere near deserving that rating, with objective issues in tech, animation, level design, and writing. You made this, so you should know the difference.
I get that there's this weird rating exchange thing going on between AVN creators on itch, but I think you could be more selective - or more accurate. Rating a mediocre or poor game with full 5 stars only serves to dilute the value of those ratings, and 4 stars is still a good rating that will set slightly more appropriate expectations.
Thanks for reading.
It’s not cool to make us attached to someone up from the first scene… thankfully you fixed it latter in the game because without that I would not been able to envisioned someone else.
This part aside, very good game, really funny, I love the humor you’ve put in and the characters are lovely (MC include).
is there a difference between this one and the steam store one?
Steam has exclusive achievements and community items, nothing more than that
So I was curious; if I buy the season 1 apk do I then have to pay for season 2?? No judgement, just genuinely curious, financially speaking!! Huge, HUGE fan!! I find both your games to be equally funny and erotic!! As far as comedic devs go, you are, in my opinion, in the top 3 if not #1!! Devs in general, easily top 5!! Sorry, they storytelling of the top 3 is unbeatable!! No offense intended!!😁
Thank you friend
For the moment you get access to both Season 1 and 2 if you buy it, but when Season 2 is finished I will have to put a separate price on it
thanks for the info!! Definitely worth the price!!
I just came across this game and absolutely enjoyed it! The story is funny and really engaging. This is triple A level good. Keep up the fantastic work!