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I am having problems installing the season 2 of the game on my MacOS system.    I recently purchased season 1 from Steam.  There was a warning it might not run on my system, I am running MAcOS Monterey, but I ad no problem.  Then I decided to get the early version of the game from this web site.  I tried to run the version I downloaded from here and it would not start.  Not even the loading screen.

Then I went back to the original version from Steam I had locally and it no longer ran.  he splash screen came up but the full game did not start.

Any tips?


all jokes aside, the humour in this game is amazing, i started like an hour ago and the humour in the cut scenes are amazing lmao, thank you so much for making this i laughed more at this than i expected. i hope to see more when i continue playing

I read season 1 on steam this is an incredible story so far

This is my favourite AVN. The humour, the sex, the LI's, story, cinematics, etc. It's all great.

The development speed is unbelievable.


bro but this i kinda a cruel just asking it say that the game if free but updates in 10$ not fair bro,again jut saying dont be offended,its like giving a kid a candy but not letting him eat it,you would first do free week but now you have completely stopped pls think about us too who cant afford to pay 10 bucks due to parents 😁😀😁


if you still rely on your parents for the money Im pretty Sure you shouldnt be playing a game like this


just turned 18 bro so.....uh......idk where to start

and just saying it says free but now you need money that like clickbait man think bout it 


There are no ads in the game, there is no pay-to-win. Devs don't do this out of the kindness of their hearts. It's their job and they need to get paid.

The fact that you get the entire base game for free is already an amazing deal. If you are, in-fact, 18 years old, it should be pretty easy to scrape together $10.

Dev works hard, makes an amazing product and deserves to be paid for his efforts.

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Also Not having a job when getting 18 is kinda weird considering most people finish  school with 16 Also Just like the other guy said they put in a lot of time and effort so i think its amazing that they only demand 10 bucks for the full game given the quality they could sefinetly charge more

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I thought the same thing. WTF. I mean Finishing school at 18 is normal in the USA, but I was working part time at 15 on the weekends and full time at 16 while still attending school. Hell I started doing odd jobs and cutting grass/other yard work for people when I was 10. Dude needs to quit being lazy and living in his privilege.

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whats the song for the title screen? i love it and am wondering what it is called and or the band that made it


If I buy this on Steam, will it be up to date with the paid version?
Also will I have to buy each season separately, or will you simply update the game each time so it's a one-time-purchase?


Steam will only get the full seasons, Itch will get updates

Seasons will be priced separately

Man, I didn't expect to actually like this. I usually stay away from 3D visual novels. or whatever you wanna call this, but this was genuinely just entertaining. I don't have the cash to buy the full version rn, but I am definitely coming back to it later. The only problems I have, are that some of the 3D models are... weird. Ves, looks like melted cheese, and the android's features are a bit... lacking. Along with the human body's looking a bit... odd. Such as the girl, I always forget the names, but her parts down below are a bit... red, and the MC's body is lacking a lot of color. But, it is definably a memorable game with a lot of charm.

I recommend you check it out, I don't think it's for everyone, but the free version is really fun, and it doesn't cost anything, so why not give it a try? I definitely wasn't expecting genuinely funny humor and tender moments from a sex game, but color me pleasantly surprised.

8/10, a good few flaws, but honestly, they're not horrible. Keep it up Classy Lemon.


Same dude. There is endless jokes made, good scenes, and it doesn't feel like a slog to get through with constant clicking until you get to the good parts.

(2 edits) (+2)

For anyone saying that they purchased the game befor but it's not letting you download the purchased version. Just go to your accounts library and click on the game link through your owned games and it will let you download it again. Going to this page normally usually doesnt work. Just a tip since I saw some people complaining that they were getting scammed. Not a scam, just have to access the page through your profile.

If that doesnt work then you're just going to have to contact itch

this mc has the most glorious voice ever

I don’t get it… why is the .4 version alerting me of a new upload, did something change or is it just some weird itch thing?

Heh I played .4 and that was very fun.
The humour made me laugh.

Bought it... now to see what's in the rest to .7

keep up the good work;I look forward to seeing the game completed! :-)

If I buy the game am I only getting the current update or will I also receive the future ones?


Anyone who's bought the game will have access to coming Season 2 updates, but when Season 2 is finished I will have to put a separate price on it.


Great game. But I'm wondering when you are going to add the chapter where the MC goes to planet "Classio Lemonosys" where we meet the king "who will not be named" and he introduces us to his gorgeous daughter "Lemontine" and she asks us to help her find her lost lemon dog "Lemonculous"?Which results in us saving the dog and she thanks us by allowing the MC to "juice her lemon". Because I'm sure you already have this all planned out. 


I bought Projekt Passion on 2022-12-12 08:51:37. I paid $5. I go to my purchase download page, and only 0.4 is there 
not 0.7. Am I expected to pay another $10, making it $15 for previous purchasers, like me, but only $10 for new purchasers?!!!!

I'm pretty sure this is how it works. If you buy anything on, you only buy the current version of it. Meaning that if you brought the game when it was in 0.4 version, thats what you have. If you want to keep receiving new version, you need to be patreon supporter.

(1 edit) (+1)(-7)

Well, not good enough. But easy to get the 0.7 elsewhere! If the dev wants to cheat me, I'll cheat the dev! In the meanwhile another DECENT dev, gave me 

a free code for their game on Steam!

Well, do as you wish, I guess. Most games work the way I described on this site (some devs, like the one you mentioned, might have a custom policy with buying versions on itch)


Yup, always go my own way. Immorality irks me. Like this dev. Don't like it. So tend to react!


If you want to pirate the game I could care less, but don't go around calling me immoral after I've actively spent development time trying to help you as best I can

(1 edit) (+7)

I'm not trying to cheat anyone. I've already tried to help you by answering your questions to the best of my knowledge, as well as replying to the comment you posted on Steam with the offer of a free Itch key, which I have yet to receive a reply to

As far as I know you should get access as long as you pay the remainder of the price, but if you want a safer answer you're better off contacting Itch support about this stuff rather than the devs themselves

Deleted 1 year ago

Go to Tollorix first


(2 edits)

Hey Classy

I noticed your itch banner has the old logo.. so I did one with the new one.. use it if you like :) 

(if you need a larger version.. just say)

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A great game indeed. I was actually looking for a game like this and I must say this is one of the best "this type" of games I've played so far. I'm not the fan of sudden sex scenes which don't even make sense and there are so many stupid games like that. This game actually gave some backstory to the characters and a decent story, not to mention THE SPACE related story!! I also like the main character, gives me the cool vibe, by the way, Sandra is too cute.

The animations are sooo fluid and looks really great, the cinematics also feels AAA game like. The characters are also pretty, not too weird or "big unnatural boobs" having. Truly a great game.

When is this game's gonna be fully complete? 


Sandra.. Thug Life:


I absolutely loved this game. I know its not done yet, so I will of course be checking on it regularly. A couple things I loved, the main character. Personally, I prefer the witty dialogue options, but giving the player the ability to semi-pick the vibe they go for with the character is really fun. Plus, design, and small character quirks like the hat and gun, I love it. The scenes are great, as are the cutscenes. I also love having the ability to not only pick which girl you romance (or all of them, or none of them,) but also that its made so easy. The text that will obviously open up a romance plot is in pink, that's awesome! Not enough games do that according to me. Now, onto the campaign itself. I am thoroughly enjoying the story, its kept me alert and on my toes, and very few other visual novels I've played have managed to match it. However, I would say that the highlight of the whole thing is the humor. I found myself laughing out loud a ton of different times, the writers have a seriously amazing sense of humor. All in all, I've gotten as far as I can go in the current version, and I loved every second of it. I want to encourage everyone who's is considering this game to play it. Now, I can't tell anyone what to do with their money, but if you liked it, maybe buy the larger version, and support the artist's patreon well? They all definitely deserve it. Perhaps buy the steam version as well if you're fine with having that on your steam account. Thank you to Classy_Lemon and co. for this wonderful experience and I'm excited to see what comes next.

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just a simple comment to rate this game



one of the best game I've ever played, it's recommended for y'all that wanted to play this game, it have a cut scenes even a voice actor and it's just 254 MB. you should try it.

I would gladly pay for this game, hell, any game you make, if I were certain I did not have to pay for every update!!

Whenever I try to save it says "An Exception has occurred" and will just roll me back a text. Any way to fix this? I'd prefer not to play from the beginning over and over.

Hi, if I forget to mention before here, on this platform, congrats for the Steam release! :) I bought instantly there too, to support your nice art, keep up the great work! :)


Thanks man, appreciate it! Consider leaving a Steam review if you ever feel like supporting me further :)

when will the 0.7 version be free


Hey @Classy Lemon, how did you made the girls ?

Through assets bought on the Daz store

Cool thank you man !!!

Downloaded the android version. I had the previous version already, so it asked if I wanted to update it and I clicked Update. Got the error message "App not installed as package appears to be invalid".  Thoughts on how to fix this? Thanks! 

how do i reset the game? i bought it on steam and it carried over but i didn't get the achievements i deleted the save and old files and it doesnt reset

Make sure you delete the file named Persistent as well

i deleted everything but still no luck

i don't know why everytime i launch it the persistent files restores itself


The persistent file always exists, it just clears all data when you delete it. 

If you've downloaded through Steam as well as any other way, you probably have two save folders. One in the appdata folder in one in steamapps folder

how do i find those folders? i'm sorry for asking so many questions just really like the game. i'll continue to support where i can

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\Steam\steamapps\common\Projekt Passion\game\saves

What's the difference between this and the steam version?

Steam has exclusive achievements, additional languages, and trading cards. Nothing more than that


Just bought your game, excited for the new content! Keep up the great work! Awesome story and amazing graphics. Love the humor mixed in as well.

Thank you friend!


BROO WHY THIS GAME IS SO GOOD FOR A NSFW GAME  The Cinematics The Comedy are always on the spot, And the Sex Scenes are 10/10 they are not sloppy and disgusting like others Very Passionate Sex, I'm Excited for the season 2 Let ClassyLemon COOK😩🔥🔥

Glad you like it!


@Classy_Lemon Just had to reach out and let you know how much I thoroughly enjoyed Projekt Passion! I literally just finished and was floored! You could easily give TellTale a run for their money. This game was GOOD. Story and characters stay with you. Super gutted when I saw that it ended on a cliffhanger but I'm anxiously waiting for Season 2! I do have some other questions and was wondering if there was a way to contact you directly. If not, I totally understand. Just had to let you know how awesome the game is.


Idk what the models or animations were made with, but they look awesome.  loved the game.

It's all made with DazStudio

How do you unlock the first scene on Page 3?


you know, you didnt have to go that hard on the menu music, im tryna bust a nut, not bust a move 


This so far is a 10/10 game for me. The sex scenes and graphics outmatch many other game on this site and the story is good too! The voice acting is the only thing I have a little distaste in but the fact you have any at all if amazing in itself.

Outmatch ANY other game on this site? I'll be the judge of that ;]

yeah we got eternium (simmilar) to also be in the running

He said many

Thanks friend, glad you enjoyed


Amazing game. Lore and story rich, well developed characters, good renders and scene setting, and funny moments to boot. If you liked "Once in a Lifetime" or "Eternum" you'll also like this and vice versa. Definitely worth the money, and a 10/10 game.


Just finished s1 and i gotta say it was amazing, i thoroughly enjoyed the story so far, also just wanted to know when is s2 coming out??

Next year sometime, it's too early to tell

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Hello dear developer! I want to write my appreciation to you and the game/novel. It's the best I've played ever. Hands down. Interesting story, awesome nsfw scenes, and beautiful character design, especially Emily. I don't know what it is with my obsession over her, but she is the prettiest woman I've seen in any piece of media. Good job, really. Ashe is a close second lol. Anyway I can't wait for 0.8 and the beginning of S2! Thank you Mr Lemon, I really appreciate you and your work. Not only Projekt passion but also ATI. It's also really good. Can't wait for more Emily! I also wrote to you on reddit. I'm u/imminecrafterdab if you want to talk :)

I did an analysis on the channel and people want to know more about the game and if it will have subtitles in Brazilian Portuguese. Can you answer? (demo version)


There is in the Steam version

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