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Kaylee is definitively someone I'd want to go to space with. Absolutely love her character design, both her appearance and how much she does feel like a true long-time friend. Elysra is memorable too, with her confident teasing and good-natured games.

I don't regret buying this for a second. I had an idea what I was signing up for though; After the Inferno was good, but this even better. Looking forward to season 2.

A Kaylee é uma personagem boa, o que atrapalha ela, é o cabelo usado em TODOS os jogos  ultimamente como se fosse a coisa mais linda do mundo ver mulher de cabelo raspado e tatuagem.

Is the hairstyle over-used? I can't really say, but I like it. She doesn't have any tattoos though, the butterfly is a shave pattern.


Really love the game!

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It's very well rendered, the artistic sensibility is fine. The animations regarding sex are awful. The main character's a bit of a one pump chump. No foreplay, just bangbangbangbang done - "thank you, Mamm. Was I good?" Maam, [thinking: "no freakin' way. You're horrible.] "oh, yeah, you're fine, great." For all the beautifully animated scenes you have why were the sex scenes so amateurish? It's as if the writers have never had to actually please anyone.

(2 edits)




DAMN, I love this game. it looks great, it's hilarious, and makes sex a reward rather than the norm

(1 edit) (+3)

Usually don't post reviews but the basics for this game:
- Top tier graphics (including full moving cutscenes & 18+ scenes)

- Well scripted so far

- Genuinely funny dialogue & cutscenes (including funny death scenes if you make a poor choice)

- All/most moving scenes appear to be fully voiced (Which are frequent yet well spaced)

- For anyone who knows, the main character KINDA sounds like Vax'ildan

- Good character development so far (Not too far into the game)

- 18+ scenes from the get-go (Don't need to wait until chapter 5 like some games), but not so many that it takes away from the satisfaction/story

- Obvious time and effort has been put into both the scripting, voicing and graphics

- For me, it is comparable to caribdis games (Once in a Lifetime & Eternum)

Highly recommended!

THIS GAME IS DOPE. Really love the game. i have one doubt tho. i finished the 0.4 version and sadly i cant buy the 0.7 version. will the save file from 0.4 be usable when i 0.7 becomes available for free or do i need play the game from the scratch?

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I bought the game for $5 back in December 2022. When I go to the purchased download page it only shows 0.4 - Should I not be able to get the latest update? It's not my fault you put the price up! Please reply.

such a good game, made me laugh as well. cant wait for more

I tried to connect to the discord server to inquire about how the purchase is done and how to get a key if I bought the game to download future updates, but I couldn't because it said that the invitation cannot be accepted. Could I have more information? Maybe the new parts will also appear on steam?

I want more of ASHE on season 2. Love her scenes!


Just bought the game on steam as well, love your work. As far as I can tell, the Chinese seems to be AI translated? I would gladly volunteer to translate the game into Traditional and Simplified Chinese if you would like, because I hope more people can enjoy this game

(1 edit) (+1)

I have version .6, do I need to pay $10 for .7? Also, what version is on steam right now?


0.7 is on Steam, but he's calling it season 1.


Game is really good, and it's mad funny. I highly recommend it 👍

Congrats for the launch on Steam! Just got and played already there the current version. Really cool, so far yet. Keep up the great work


Question, will there be pregnant content or nah?

Funny dialogue.

Good writing.

Characters that are sexy and also fleshed out.

Voice acting?? This game is a gold mine, the only issue is it isn't finished and we're really early on in everyones romances. My personal favorite character was the sexy demon bartender. Holy hell was that scene hot.


Okay! I just finished the game a few seconds ago, and whoo boy! That was fantastic!

That perfectly timed cliffhanger, the badassery of joining an actual Galactic Resistance. Oh, and if it wasn't S-tier enough, you made the MC a goddamn Uchiha! Mah boy's got Gun Blazing Jutsu (Jū no happō gijutsu)! This is the best version of the Sharingan since Kakashi got both of Obito's eyes during the Kaguya Arc!!!!!

My Naruto referencing aside, I absolutely love this bloody game. The character progression with each girl that doesn't just influence my affection with them but also their choices in the future, and the fact that the MC is STILL rocking that Bloodborne outfit like a bloody champ! Did you think of Gherman when you were designing the MC? You were, weren't you, you wonderful bastard?!

Anyways, aside from me redoing the entire game over again just to get the Sex Scene with Emily (who I strongly believe is 3rd on the ranking for best girl in this version), finding out the Lore and delving into each death scene has just been a fun, hilarious and simply riotous endeavor which I have enjoyed almost too thoroughly.

That reminds me, during the Pollox exploration, was matching the color co-ordinated lights an Among Us reference?

Besides that, finding out that Glitch was actually a girl wasn't really a shocker for me (those hips definitely weren't masculine) but it was really awesome story-wise. And the way the Ravin' Raiders just looked at each in complete silence for that moment was just beautiful.

I really do hope Ashe will be okay, though. And hopefully SAndrA won't kill everyone after she get out of the med bay!

But. Those are just my three cents and some lint.

Thank you again for the awesome story, and REMEMBER: Take your sweet time to publish the next update. I don't want you to end up like most of Studio MAPPA's staff suffering from burnout and sleep deprivation just because you were gung-ho about keeping the creative juices flowing.

Take a nap, eat some good food, maybe see the family down south next weekend, I don't know. The point is, you've smashed the ROOF off this building. You deserve a break and these words of appreciation.

Now, thanks for reading my sad excuse for a review (well, second review). God bless you and have a splendid day!

Or night, I'm not too sure what timezone you're in- hehehe

Couldn't agree more!

(1 edit) (+1)

I never imagined that I would find another awesome AVN such as this. 

Firstly, you have both my respect and attention with how masterfully you display and enact comedy. Seriously, from the moment I picked up this game, I've been laughing my guts ragged by the perfect placement of comedic effect in literally every interaction the MC has with anyone during the course of this game.

Then, there's the character progression - and I don't just mean for the female characters we come across in-game. No Sir, I'm referring to the MC's progression during the story. Now, honestly, not a lot of Visual Novels manage to actually grow the MC we play as; opting for us as the player to fill their shoes instead and find the preferable ending within the choices given to us.

You take it to a different level, mate. I feel invested into this story line simply because the MC is a person engaging in so many different responsibilities that it's staggering. Kudo's to you, my guy (or girl).

I believe I also need to point out the sexiness and unique persona's of the different women we come across. Aside from them looking absolutely breathtaking and almost 3-D, there's the fact that you keep the mood interesting, entertaining to a point whereby I just gotta catch 'em all (Pokemon pun intended).

Lastly, there also the amazingness that is the choice system and the existence of an actual LORE BOOK in the Codex Menu. Usually, you only find those within a select few games that are mostly JRPGs. You done well, my friend. Too well that you hit the sky and came back on fire!

Honestly, I don't even think I'm halfway through the game and I'm already this hyped. Additionally, from what I've seen you say on this site, the game is already finished?! If I could see you face-to-face, I think I would kiss you (no homo) for creating something outstandingly dazzling, before slapping you like some blonde bimbo from an 80's film, because there's no sequel game out yet!

Even still! If you do have any plans to release another game like Projekt Passion or even a Spin-Off, I'd be down to wait patiently.

Really, mate, this game is now forever in my Top 5 right next to Once In a Lifetime, Eternum, My Bully Is My Lover and The Headmaster. You're a main contender because of how powerful that comedic talent is - keep it up, my friend!

Now, excuse me as I finish this STUPENDOUS game, probably faint from the BEAUTIFUL H-Scenes and then proceed to play the other game you've released.

Oh! And by the way; the innocent beauty that is SAndRa? Pure golden GENIOUS! I love her personality so much as an Android.

Thank you so much for simply existing! Have a nice day ;)

(1 edit) (+2)

Aww thank you so much, you really made my night!

Don't worry, the last update was the end of Season 1 but I'm gonna keep working as usual on Season 2!

I'm just on a bit of a break right now as I prepare the Steam release and work on personal stuff


Take as much time to rest as you need to. Making games isn't easy, so don't be in a hurry. Us supporters and fans aren't going anywhere XD

bought the game and loved every minute, didn't care about sex scenes, but good. but the story and interest were so damn good loved every bit of it. Will be a day-one purchase when season 2 is released. 

amazing work classy.

No rush, the first was awesome. The sex was nice but holy shit I got invested in the story. Cherry on top was Kaylee's character. Loved the romance story between her and the Gunslinger.

this game was honestly one of the best VN games i have played in a long time, i invested for the sex but stayed for the story, the characters were all extremally enjoyable, the clear love that the gunslinger and kaylee have for eachother is adorable and i truly cant wait to see where that goes, good job very well done and i cant wait for season 2 :D


it has Spanish language ?

Deleted post

So I got the free version on free weekend is there no way for me to get updates for without paying?


Just gotta put this out there: Classy Lemon is EASILY amongst my top five, both subjectively and objectively speaking; of production companies/studios that specialize in AVN!!  Want hot and sexy??  SAndRa is just wow!!  As is Kaylee!!  Want the funniest AVN ever??  Classy Lemon has you covered with this exact title!!  Best original fantasy world; Classy Lemon top 5 with After the Inferno!!  You guys F***ING Rock!!  We are not worthy of your comedic and smutty genius!!🙇‍♂️

I appreciate it! ^^


I want Nyx. Nyx is attractive. Sucks that you can't get her help.

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Aside from my burst of anger cuz of the damn cliffhanger. I loved it, i loved the story, i loved the music, the graphics, the characters, the lore, i loved EVERY BIT OF IT. I really can't wait for the next future updates....literally 

If you can send me a key via Steam to present to the Brazilian public, I would appreciate it (email on the channel). The dollar here in Brazil is very expensive.

Settle for the demo like everyone else if you can't "afford it."


Honestly an amazing game has humor multiple love interests and fun plotline and the scenes are amazing I hope you see this game to the end there's been to many great games being stopped

Dont worry, since I decided to start doing this full time I can't afford to stop working on it

(1 edit) (+2)

I honestly did not see this coming. i though it was just going to be another game to fap to with amazing graphics but it took me by surprise with the story and how in depth the character growth is in it. this truly is a masterpiece and i could see people paying for this on steam! And all scenes are voice acted to perfection as well as the sfx! you can tell a lot of effort was put into this game!


I have no words to describe the game I thought it was a movie at first but then I realized it was a game when I saw it for the first time it came to my mind is this real? dude this game is a work of art omg the best visual novel i've seen in my life i've played some visual novels but they can't be compared to this amazing man of art when i played it the first time my mind went blank the story is amazing the animations the quality and the characters everything is perfect the truth is i am in love with this game keep going with this project you will go far with this you have my support and i wish you the best in this. ❤️❤️❤️😍👏(●'◡'●)╰(*°▽°*)╯😮😯


Wasn't bad.  I actually enjoyed it but I liked After the Inferno more.


your game is amazing good story and animations :D


Sooooo... I shouldn't have bought it for $10 224 days ago then ?As I will probably need to pay the full price again ?


If you've already paid you shouldn't have to pay again

Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes. Congrats on the latest release !


Do let me know if you lose access and I'll fix it

Amazing game honestly. Too bad this is the last free release but either way it's still one of the best ones I've ever played.


The comparison between this game and your last game is night and day. While After the Inferno was an okay game, Projekt: Passion may be one of the best games I've played.


Holy shit it's not even just good now, it's the best space odyssey game I've ever played.

The characters, the writing, the jokes, every thing is so good, EVEN A VOICE ACTING !
This is one of the few games where I feel like it doesn't revolve around only the sex, you're a genius !


Does anyone know how much of a game you get when you download? Im finding its real hard to get much



All cutscenes


cant buy it on steam, steam germany blocks any and all porn related games.

fucking hate this tyrannical bs censorship government china 2.0 for real.


Opera GX built in VPN, you can download it from internet then install it.


 If you sell porn in germany, you need to ensure your customers are not minors. Steam does not do this. That is all there is to it.


Try a VPN set to a US server, or even Swedish.  Either works fine for this.

I won't even use a German server if it auto-connects.  Way too much censorship.


I need more Grax in my life


He reminds me of Stabby Mike from Once In a Lifetime, a badass wingman and pal.

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Welp, my steam account is gone so now I have to wait until the game is released on here to buy it and play it. If I buy it before it has to be bought. Will I get any future updates or do I need to buy it again?

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