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Is the game story completed?

(1 edit)

Not even close, I'm pretty sure.  It is only up through the end of the first two seasons.

It's absolutely worth checking out, though.  It is among the top-tier AVNs out there, right up there with Eternum in terms of having a rich story, deep characters, and solid writing.

It's more than an AVN.  It's an epic saga at this point, with each update dropping a whole movie worth of content.  The 0.14 update alone kept me occupied for probably three or four hours, and I'm a fast reader.  It's jaw-dropping.

This is one of teh peak AVN i ever played,

the witty jokes and the characers fit perfectly also the facial expressions  are on point. I wish to see more of this in the near future .

Two things.

1. Probably the best 10 dollars I've ever spent and it probably will be for at least a decade longer.

2. Don't know if it's considered a crime to say this by this game's community but I get some major Guardians of the Galaxy vibes from this game and I love it.

I can't download it I'm getting a message problem with parsing the package. Ive allowed the unknown sources and I'm still getting the error message.

Just wanted to know is the free version only a demo?

If I want to play the full game do I need to get the paid version?

Yeah, free version is like 4/7 parts of Season 1 or something close to that. Enough to get a feel for most of the story and characters as well as what the overall quality of the game is.

There's a weird audio bug in the new update for android where the same piano tune is playing over every single moment, including over other audio

(2 edits)

Similar bug with 0.14. The mainmenu audio keeps playing in loop after loading a safegame, overlapping with the scene audio.

Edit: Fixed it by "scrolling back" a few screens after loading the "safe your game now". Then the musicloop stops and you can continue with the new content.

I attempted your fix to it but I am still faced with that same, neverending loop of music. 

I have the issue everytime after loading it seems. But each time it was fixed by scrolling back a bit (until a other scene with music) and then fastforward again. Maybe you didn't scroll back far enough, or you have a complete other problem as myself.

Nothing I have tried, even starting over completely, plus uninstalling and reinstalling do nothing to stop this on android


One of the best visual novels I came accross in a while. Can't wait for the next season.

I bought Season1 on Steam not long after it was released there. About a year ago, I found out that season 2 was in development and available on itch, so, I bought it.

Now that Season 2 is available on Steam, I wanted to know if there are any tangible differences? I realize that steam will have achievements and likely trading cards but is there any content differences between the steam and itch releases?

I ask about the differences for both seasons because I noticed that the itch version of season 1 uses 2GB of space, yet the steam version of Season 1 wants to use almost 3GB to install. So does the steam version have more content, or better renders? or even a little less compression on the files?




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OK.. I R confuzed.. First off. I bought Season 1 on STEAM and have waited for Season 2 to reach completion to buy it there. Now there is the 0.4 release. Is this a continuation of Season 2 of is it the beginning of Season 3? I have heard/read rumors that a Season 3 is coming but this is all while Season 2 still stands as not finished yet. As far as I know and can tell. Please help me clear up my confuzed state!?!?!


Fairly certain 0.4 is just a free demo.

At least that's what I got from this post.

Thanks for the response TheGeeb81. With the game now near if not at the end of Season 2 a demo that seems to be new or at least newer I suppose could be a demo for Season 3?  I guess I will just have to download it and play it to see where it falls in the story dateline.  Have a great weekend TheGeeb81!

Oh, it's just half of season 1

Never written a comment but this is legitimately one of the hottest games I've ever played

Mes sentiments sont mitigés! D'un côté je suis trop content du jeu. Super taff, j'adore l'histoire, on s'attache à tous les perso (même plus secondaires).

Et de l'autre, je vois la longue attente avant d'avoir la suite et fin de ce jeu! 😬 Et je suis triste 😭 

Mais je suis content d'avoir donner pour ce jeu, et je le referai volontier pour la suite! 👌👍


Hi, the 10 dollars of Season 2 is include the season 1? Also, i need a new link for discord, seems outdated. Thanks!


I am kindly requesting you release the update my friend.

(4 edits) (-8)

Error 404, pal. Maybe it’s time to leave the nest, fly away to a CC who doesn’t just pander? The 304 doesn’t even have full S1 Open-to-Public.

  • Eternum, the CC refuses to incorporate ANY permanent Paywall. You know that, so why waste time on this crabby grandma? Go to a “Massage Parlor”, Pharmacy, or, I don’t know, PS3! At the very least, play some other games, buddy. At least until escaping the psychotic Buffalo Gals from RuinMyLife.fml .
  • retro Renryuu (RPGMaker, go figure), &
  • (clunky, “map”-reliant) Phoenixes are some titles that have meat on their bones.
  • ….See a recent title I forayed w/, Mr Smith…..
  • As to harem, I recommend the VERY bulbous OppaiOdyssey. No better way for a man to die than buried in juicy, fertile, welcoming breasts!

That’s my sampler list, now tell me YOUR favorite appetizers I didn’t list! I need some tango partners!


I don't know what the hell you're talking about man. I'm actively paying to his patreon because I appreciate his work and effort, and he doesn't take eight months to a year for every update, unlike most others. ClassyLemon is my favorite creator.


Congrats on giving me an aneurysm on one of the worst reviews I've ever read. You have a right to your opinion but trying to discern what it is in your incoherent ramblings is unfathomable. Also, looking at your account, it seems you love to post negative and non-constructive reviews on games. Be constructive or continue to be downvoted.

(1 edit) (-3)

I am required to raise the red flags against bullshit. Someone has to. It’s not my fault you have a vested intetest in Borg teachings in incompetence.


Wow, all I can say is wow. I don't think I found a game on here that comes even close to how amazing this is with the comedy, the character development, the realistic situations both action-packed and sexually! I mean, damn. I'll say this, if Cyberpunk 2077 was anything like this it would be the best game in the world, and yes the sex scenes would be included! Bravo Classy! BRA-FUCKING-VO!!


Eternum is a must if you havent tried. This game is a close second though in how realistic the human interactions are. Grabbing each other's hands, the music hitting at the *perfect* moment. So fuckin good ❤️

Damn I might have to give it a look, do you know if it's Android compatible or is there an APK of it? I don't have a PC or any kind of console for that matter right now, so a lot of my gaming is done on my tablet and to a lesser extent my phone. So far Welcum to the city, Projekt and a handful of others have been the only games I've downloaded and played. Nearly downloaded LostLife before I realized what it was 🤢

Eternum has an android version, and is a game that I would say is on par with Projekt Passion. The creator of Eternum also created a game called Once In A Lifetime, which is finished, also for android.

That's the creators profile. 


Eternum is legitimately the best game I've played on itch. You can see where Caribdis improved and matured in comparison to Once in a Lifetime. But you saying this is a close second tells me that this is a must play game.

Deleted 29 days ago

Try Ripples too, I put it right under Eternum that others have recommended.

(1 edit) (+1)

I recently purchased S2 back when it was on Christmas sale. I 'm just wondering is S1 included (as in "New Game", or is it a hard continuation on S1, and therefore requires me to have played though S1 first?



1) Yes it seems that S1 is a different "Game" to S2

2) Thankfully it seems my "Purchase" of S2, granted me the right too d/l S1 as well.... so that's all good now.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok... Since I am most definately NOT a fan of STEAM I prefer to play my AVN games without someone looking over my shoulder or at my game library like STREAM/Valve has the habit of doing. So. I need to clarify my confusion related to the "Versions" of the game's Season 1 and Season 2. And find out what the 0.4 release is? Of course I mean all of them related to Windows PC versions only. I would also like to know for sure where you are at update version on Season 2 and if Season 2 will continue or if there will soon be a Season 3. I have played the STEAM S-1 Version and liked the game a lot just not the STEAM oversight of player libraries. I got to play a free NON-STEAM version of S-1 and actually found some differences and liked it even more. 

So. Non STEAM game releases  Season 1 and Season 2 (so far) What are considered the full or latest updates for each so I know which ones to buy to get the game in it's fullest glory?

Thanks Classy!! Keep up the great game!


hello there, so I bought the game on
here, do I have to repurchas it on steam if I want to play it on there? or do I get a steam key for my itch purchase or something?

you can add non-steam games to the steam launcher  (start in the games menu at the top of the window)

(1 edit)

Made it to the scene you type in your name i type it in and click the mouse and nothing happens click the enter key and it goes backwards to type it in again.. the back button is constantly flashing when moving the mouse any way to fix this bug...

(1 edit)

Even in the options menu or save menu all icons start flashing when moving the mouse.. Update ( only does it on the windows version android version works perfect)


is season 2 out? I see it here but not on steam

In the steam store,  but not released on steam yet

Can I play this using joiplay on android if I download the pc version? Or the android version is the only way I can play the game?


I came according to me to do it quickly you know how to touch my goose, but I realized how lonely I am, shit I can't believe I'm writing this in a place like this but I've really always wanted to know what it's like to be loved, it sounds cheesy, I know but surely there are more people who go through the same thing as me I'm not ugly according to me I'm average but women today are bad ( not all) 

But those are hidden very well

Thank you for this game.


bro finally woke up


This is the second best AVN there is! BAD slightly beats it with how many different scenes and choices that matters. But the story in this one is original, touching, entertaining, and comedic which makes it a close second. The lewd renders are great and beats a lot of the other top AVNs which have great stories but lacks a bit in the lewd aspect like Eternum. This is a must purchase, at least once, so that Classy Lemon keeps updating!


The Dialogue is just goated; the 6 person's phone call was hilarious, and never had I expected a skeleton at a strip club to drop lines of this caliber: 

"I may not have a beating heart like you, but I can still feel empathy for those who need it, compassion for those who suffer, and understanding for those facing challenges. And that's all that matters in the end."

Keep it up; it may pass unnoticed because people who want compelling dialogues do not seek visual novels (at least, I think they don't since this is the first I have read). However, it's no small feat and contributes as much to the product as the animations themselves.

Damnit, I've been playing this game since season 1 was released on my Android but I guess now I cant. I have always used Xplore to extract but now it won't let me moved the apk file to the folder already created. It asks for permission then won't let me give it.

Does this game have translations into other languages?


The only thing that I didn't like: The MC's voice. Other than that, it's awesome.


Has anyone been able to view the season 2 sex scenes in the codex? It switches to season 1 on Android


I just noticed this in the most recent version. Guessing the next page and previous page buttons are navigating wrong. 

Codex > S2 > Sex Scenes works to get you to page 1 of them, but "Next page" take you to s1 Sex scenes page 2 instead.


Doesn't matter if you talk about the story or the spicy scenes. Classy Lemon delivers on both ends with a cherry on top.

You get a lot of Lore, which really helps to get into the great story full of action, drama, humor, over the top silly, sad and heartfelt moments and of course sex. The animations and facial expressions are just great!

In that sense: Pet the Lemon! :)


Will beyond 0.4 ever be available for F2P?


Come on don't be like that. Classy has worked so hard on everything. Anything more for free would be a robbery.

(1 edit)

but at that point it might as well be an Activision or EA game then with the buy to play new content; I mean yeah I get why its so they can make money off of it but still 

(2 edits) (-1)

Wow, so "Free demos with paid full game" are no longer the most fair, clwssic model - THAT is what you complain about? Dude, get some perspective instead of complaining that a dev charging money for a game is greedy. WTF.

dude I never said the dev was being greedy, you just put words in my mouth that I never said, and didn't you read what I had said about how I understand that this is probably how they make money  

"but at that point it might as well be an Activision or EA game then with the buy to play new content; I mean yeah I get why its so they can make money off of it but still"

Oh, my bad, when you compared the way they monetize their game to "might as well be Activision or EA" I didn't realize you meant that as a positive, non-greedy statement. 

and you're also shortening your fan base of players who just to play and not buy to go forward cuz like I said at that its just Activision and EA with their micro transactions and their "pay to win" shit 

This is so disingenuous. Those studios are disliked for charging extra for add ons *after* you buy a game or to give a gameplay advantage. Asking for money in return for enjoying your hard work isn't being greedy.

meh 🤷🏼 whatever you say 

and besides im just saying if it was free they would  𝓅𝓇ℴ𝒷𝒶𝓁𝒷𝓎 have a bigger fan base but thats just me 🤷🏼

(2 edits) (+5)(-1)

Fantastic VN, equal parts funny, erotic, silly, character...y?... beautiful, detailed, and all around well-written. Amazing facial expressions on all the characters, and the cutscenes are amazing. The voice acting isn't gonna win any Tonys anytime soon but it was such a pleasant and unexpected surprise. You can tell when a story is given real care by its author. This is one of those stories. 👍👍


And I can tell when I see a cool dude. You're one of those dudes


This has to be one of, if not the best visual novels I've purchased. The story is in depth, the scenes are spectacular. I especially like the cutscenes. Oh and the music!! Great job with this one. I always hate getting to the end of a good one cause I immediately want more.

Thank you friend, appreciate your words!


fuck the sex, i want a 7 season sit com of this cast. great writing, I think we should get a visual novel of just the main cast exploring life and more Ravin' Raiders.


One of a million adult games I don't want to skip dialogs. Appreciated for that sparkling sense of humor. Keep it going!

I'll keep it going, promise

(1 edit) (+2)

You went hard this update on the cutscene, damn I'm so impressed, please keep it up had a lot of fun 🔥

Glad you enjoyed!


Nice threesome!

That cliffhanger though....  :-O

Now I want to see the next one even more!


I am patiently waiting for this update to drop 

You need helpm gomto a brothel or other CC. Don’t be like the sick fuck in THIS photo!


This game probably has some of the best humor I've seen in awhile. I lose it everytime a thulkan has a scene. "Finally a S-Tier shiny" "YOU LOST TO THE INTERN!?"


Will versions beyond 0.4 be public at some point?

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