Weekly(ish) Teaser - June 9

Remember when I said that Blender would save me a lot of frustrations? Well that was a fucking lie. I've never screamed at my screen so much as I have trying to climb this 90 degree learning curve.

I may be exaggerating, learning a new complex program is always going to be frustrating but I am in fact making steady progress with it. I'm happy with the results and I think you will be too.

That's all for now, stay classy

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can't be any worse than a grow man born in the 90s trying to learn how to code


what about a grown man born in the 80s? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻



I was born in the 50's, my first computer was a Timex-Sinclair.  I worked in this ever evolving industry for a little over 40 years. Teaching myself how to code now after being a Systems Administrator for life. 73 now...
